The Latest at A Symphony of Praise
Dealing with Grief: Three Steps to Manage the Pain.
Grief cannot be conquered, but it can be managed. There is no timeline when your grief will lift, and you will feel “normal” again. There is no such thing as feeling normal. I’m discovering that you just have to get used to living a “new normal.” Here is a list of three ways that I am managing my grief and sorrow during this time. Perhaps they will help you and give you some insight.
The Ultimate Christmas Worship Playlist
Click Here to Listen to this Christmas Worship Music Playlist. This Season of Christmas, give Him your worship and praise. Thank God for the year He has given you, and for sending His Son; the reason for the season. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and enter His courts with praise with this Christmas Music Playlist.
All You Need to Know About Bible Translations.
Bible Translations are CONFUSING! Which do you choose? Which is the easiest to understand? Which one is the most accurate? Which one should be avoided? We are going to answer all of those questions in this article and give you the resources and tools you need to pick the best Bible Translation!
How to Create a Marriage Mission Statement
Discover The Marriage Mission Statement. This resource will help you and your spouse to create a thriving marriage. A Marriage Mission Statement is a wonderful way to chart where you are going, and to create a strong future. Plus a 27 page E-Book downloadable for FREE at the end of this article!
Five Ways to Encourage Your Husband Daily
Life gets busy, and if we aren’t careful, our marriages will suffer in the middle of endless to-do-lists, kids, obligations, and work. In this article, I want to share three major mistakes I made as a newlywed wife, how I fixed them, and the five things you can tell your husband every day that will change your marriage for the better!
How to Cope when you are Unsettled
Join me for a study of 1 Peter 5:6-10. Life can feel very unsettling at times. But when we look to the wisdom of God’s Word, we find the answers for those seasons where we feel unsettled.
What the Church at Philippi can teach us about Relationships.
A Bible Study on The Church at Philippi and what they can teach us about healthy relationships.
Fun and Practical Ways to Speak the Five Love Languages.
If you are single, married, dating, parenting kids, a devoted friend, a boss, a coworker . . . The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman can help you foster healthier more meaningful relationships.
How To Discover Your Purpose and Calling In Christ.
Discovering your purpose in Christ doesn't have to be a difficult thing. These two simple questions make finding your purpose quite clear.
Where is God in the Middle of the Storms?
My heart has been in a a place of prayer for the last month. The storms in our country from Harvey to Irma, the typhoons in China, the fires in the west, and the earthquakes in Mexico . . . What is happening? The storms are raging, and we are often left wondering WHERE IS GOD? . . . .
Four Truths About The Power of Praise
There is an amazing power in praise. Let’s look at four truths about the power of praise.
The W.O.R.D Bible Study Method
The WORD Bible Study Method at A Symphony of Praise is a simple and practical way to dig deeper into God's Word. Understand context, dig deeper, all while simplifying your Bible Study.