Hear My Voice . . . June Prayer Prompts.

I am so excited to be entering the beautiful summer months. Warm weather, pool time, BBQ's, and beach. It's a precious time of the year and a true blessing God gives us to bask in the glory of the world He created for us. 


June is also a wonderful month to slow down and rededicate to spending time with the Lord in prayer. I've written about developing a vibrant prayer life and am finding that there are numerous reasons to pray found throughout the Word. 

Prayer is all about our relationship with Jesus Christ. Prayer is communicating to our Savior.

Think about any relationship you care about. What happens if you cease to communicate? What happens when you don’t talk to your spouse daily? What happens when you don’t sit with your boss to make sure you are on the same page? What happens to your children when you stop asking how their day went? What happens to friendships when you neglect them?

Your relationships fall apart when communication goes by the wayside. It is the same thing with the Lord. Your prayer life builds a relationship with Jesus, and cultivates that relationship. 

I pray not out of religious duty or obligation. I pray because I want to hear my Father's heart, and I want Him to hear mine!

My hope, as you journal your prayers to the Lord this month, is that He answers in His timing. I hope that when He is silent, you trust, and have faith in knowing that He hears your voice. 

This summer, enjoy the warmth, enjoy the beauty, and enjoy reconnecting with the Lord in prayer.


CLICK HERE to download the HEAR MY VOICE Prompts Prompts for June!

All My Love,

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