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Life Essentials Interactive Study Bible Review & Giveaway
Who doesn’t love a good study Bible? I don’t know about you, but when I find a tool or resource that breaths new insight into God’s Word under the direction of the Holy Spirit, I get so excited. Today, I am honored to review for you the new CSB Life Essentials Study Bible. Plus, at the end of this post, we are doing a giveaway for this amazing new resource.
How To Get Deliverance Over Our Enemies.
Enemies. We all have them. People who are actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.
This is the dictionary definition of an enemy. But sometimes the “enemy” can be the voices in our own heads. The voices that berate us, fill us with fear and anxiety or tell us we don’t deserve to be loved by God. Today, let’s study Psalm 18 and figure out once and for all how to find deliverance over our enemies.
The Beauty of Bethlehem.
Why did God choose Bethlehem to birth His Son and our Savior? What was significant about this little blip on the map? Bethlehem holds a treasure and gives us great insight into Jesus' character and mission.
He Didn't Come to Save Some . . .
When you read Matthew 1 you may see a boring list of unpronounceable names. But if you look closer, you will see the treasure listed in the genealogy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This daily devotion will be a blessing to you as you discover your place in God’s Family.
How Do You Renew Your Mind?
Romans 12:1-2 tells us to not be conformed to this world but to renew our minds. How do we do that? Is there a ten step process to renewing our minds and what are the benefits to renewing the mind. Join me for this Bible study on Romans 12:1-2 and lets learn to renew our minds to line up with the Word of God.
W.O.R.D. Part Four. Declaring God’s Word.
In 2017, I wrote the W.O.R.D. Bible study method to help you dig deeper into the Word of God. In this Four-Part Series, we are breaking down each part of the W.O.R.D. method to give you a better understanding of how you can get the most out of your Bible study time. Bible Study doesn’t have to be complicated or boring. Learn how to make your Quiet Time with the Lord life-changing.
W.O.R.D. Part Three: Making the Word Relevant.
In 2017, I wrote the W.O.R.D. Bible study method to help you dig deeper into the Word of God. In this Four-Part Series, we are breaking down each part of the W.O.R.D. method to give you a better understanding of how you can get the most out of your Bible study time. Bible Study doesn’t have to be complicated or boring. Learn how to make your Quiet Time with the Lord life-changing.
W.O.R.D. Part Two: Observe the Word.
In 2017, I wrote the W.O.R.D. Bible study method to help you dig deeper into the Word of God. In this Four-Part Series, we are breaking down each part of the W.O.R.D. method to give you a better understanding of how you can get the most out of your Bible study time. Bible Study doesn’t have to be complicated or boring. Learn how to make your Quiet Time with the Lord life-changing.
W.O.R.D. Part One: Write the Word.
In 2017, I created the W.O.R.D. Bible study method to help you explore the Bible more deeply. In this Four-Part Series, we will explain each part of the W.O.R.D. method to enhance your Bible study experience. Bible study can be simple and engaging. Discover how to make your Quiet Time with the Lord transformative.
Please stop calling yourself A HOT MESS!
Hey Girl - Here’s a piece of advice for you . . . You are NOT a hot mess. Stop saying it. Stop buying T-Shirts and coffee mugs quoting it. Stop telling your friends and family that you are “just a hot mess”. You are speaking a lie over yourself. Girl, you are NOT a hot mess, you are God’s Best! Join us for this quick, simple, and easy to understand devotion on Ephesians 2:10 as we study God’s Word, apply what we’ve learned to our lives, and live out His Word with joy!
Does God Take Center Stage?
I grew up on the stage. As an actress, one of my favorite parts of the theater is standing off stage in the wings, watching the actors on stage. As I wait my turn, I delight in watching whoever I am performing with sing, dance, and act. When my cue is given, I enter the stage and it is my turn. And while that’s fine for the stage, isn’t that the way we treat God sometimes? Join us for this quick, simple, and easy to understand devotion as we study God’s Word, apply what we’ve learned to our lives, and live out His Word with joy!
What Is the "Fear of the Lord"?
What is THE FEAR OF THE LORD? We’ve been taught that we have to have it, but are we supposed to be terrified of God? That’s how I was taught - that to fear the Lord meant to be afraid of Him. It wasn’t until I was older did I understand what the Bible means when it says we must fear the Lord. Join us for this quick, simple, and easy to understand devotion as we study God’s Word, apply what we’ve learned to our lives, and live out His Word with joy!
Help . . . I’ve Lost My Hope.
In Isaiah 11:1-2, we find the answer to our hopelessness. We all go through season when we just can’t find our hope. We having nothing to hope for and nothing to hope in. In those seasons as with all times of life, we must turn to the Word of God for our answers. Join us for this quick, simple, and easy to understand devotion as we study God’s Word, apply what we’ve learned to our lives, and live out His Word with joy!
How do our Sins become White as Snow?
In Isaiah 1:18-19, the Lord likens our sins to scarlet and crimson. But He also promises that they shall become white as snow like the color of wool. What does all this mean? How do our sins become white as snow? Join us for this quick, simple, and easy to understand devotion as we study God’s Word, apply what we’ve learned to our lives, and live out His Word with joy!
When There Are Two Paths to Choose. Part 2.
We all come to a fork in the road now and then. Our sin nature pulls us one way and righteousness pulls us the other way. Which path do we choose? The answer seems clear, yet so many of us end up following the ways of the wicked. Join us for a study in Psalm 1 and let's decide once and for all who we are going to serve.
When There Are Two Paths to Choose. Part 1.
We all want to live a happy and blessed life, but few of us are doing so. The simple answer to how we can live a happy life is right before our eyes if we are willing to follow. Let's break down Psalm 1:1-3 in this simple Bible Study.