Please stop calling yourself A HOT MESS!

For we are God’s masterpiece.
He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Hey Girl - Here’s a piece of advice for you . . . You are NOT a hot mess. Stop saying it. Stop buying T-Shirts and coffee mugs quoting it. Stop telling your friends and family that you are “just a hot mess”. Stop telling it to your daughters. JUST STOP! You are speaking a lie over yourself.

Girl, you are NOT a hot mess, you are God’s Best!

Hey Girl - Here’s a piece of advice for you . . . You are NOT a hot mess. Stop saying it. Stop buying T-Shirts and coffee mugs quoting it. Stop telling your friends and family that you are “just a hot mess”. You are speaking a lie over yourself. Gir…

STUDY the Word.

Ephesians 2:10 is the cornerstone of this ministry, so let's break it down a little bit.

When we read through Ephesians 2 verses 1-10, there is an overarching theme - salvation is through grace by faith. The salvation that we have in Christ is not through good works that we have done but through the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

However, salvation - Christ working through us and in us - produces good works. Our hearts are changed to be more like His. Our minds are transformed to line-up with His, and because of that, our lives produce good works. Our good works are the result of being a NEW CREATION in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God's workmanship. In the original Greek, the word is poiēma and means the work of God, the Creator, something made. In English, we get our word "poem" and "poetry" from this Greek word.

In Christ, with His Spirit dwelling inside of us, we are a new creation. We are God's poetry . . . His Symphony.

APPLY the Word.

We don't often feel like a masterpiece, do we? We look in the mirror and see all the flaws and all the mistakes. We can't get it together and the words, "I'm just a hot mess" come rolling off our tongue effortlessly. Do we realize that we are criticizing God's most excellent work? Who are we to tell the Creator that He made a mistake? Who are we to dare say to the One who formed us inside and out (Psalm 139) that our lives, our looks, our very existence is a mess? Lord Jesus, please forgive us!

Listen, I know that the culture is telling you that you are a hot mess. It is vying for you to buy the newest product to make you look "Ten Years Younger!". Our bookshelves are lined with "Christian" books telling us that we are not enough, "But this book will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!". The news, internet, social media are filled with messages that tell us we are less than, not good enough, not the standard, and never Pinterest-perfect.

Do you believe lies? Do you value the voices of an idolatrous culture over the voice of God? Have you settled in your heart and mind that you are simply a hot mess? It is time to make a change.

In his book The Genius of Grace: The Message of Ephesians, Sam Gordan says it this way:

"Each of our lives is the papyrus on which the Master is producing a work of art that will fill the everlasting ages with His praise."

Pastor Tim Keller eloquently says it this way:

"What is art? Art is beautiful, art is valuable, and art is an expression of the inner being of the maker, of the artist. Imagine what that means. You're beautiful, you're valuable, and you're an expression of the very inner being of the Artist, the divine Artist, God Himself.

You see, when Jesus gave Himself on the Cross, He didn't say, "I'm going to die so that you know I love you." He said, "I'm going to die, I'm going to bleed, for your splendor. I'm going to re-create you into something beautiful. I will turn you into something splendid, magnificent. I'm the Artist; you're the art. I'm the Painter; you're the canvas. I'm the Sculptor; you're the marble . . . ".

I'm the Composer . . . You are the symphony.

You are His Symphony. You are His most magnificent work of art. You are His poetry. Let that sink in the next time you call yourself or your children a "hot mess."

"But Erika, it's just a cute saying." No. No it’s not. It isn't Biblical, and it is taking a cultural phenomenon and applying it to our Christian walk. That's dangerous, my friend.

Yes, there are seasons when you may feel like your world is falling apart and you are doing your best to keep it together. I get those seasons, too. The kids are screaming, you've used dry shampoo for a week straight, pizza and McDonald's for dinner every night, and you haven't been on a date with your husband in two months, and if you have to go to one more soccer practice . . . .

I get that, and I understand that at those times, you may feel like you are falling apart at the seams. But Girl, we are not called to do "all the things." We can't do all the things and do them well. We are trying to prove that we are the best mom, wife, friend, neighbor, employee, and we are falling short of the glory of God in the process. So let me take the burden off of your shoulders . . . Stop relying on your strength. It is in God's power that we are made perfect in HIM. It is THROUGH JESUS that we are a new creation - enough, complete, and made perfect in Him.

LIVE the Word.

God considers you His masterpiece, and when we call ourselves "hot mess" or any other inferior phase, we disrespect His work. His work is not substandard, and YOU ARE NOT INFERIOR.

How do we live this out? The idea is straightforward. We transform our minds. (Romans 12:2) We begin to change the narrative in our heads that measure our value against society rather than The Composer.

To live out Ephesians 2:10, in theory, is simple. In practice, it is a bit more complicated because our sinful nature is always vying for control. Paul says in Romans 7:15 NLT, "I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate."

Let's put this into simple practice.

  • Memorize Ephesians 2:10 so that when those self-deprecating thoughts come in, you can quickly combat them with the Word of God.

  • Notice those areas where your critical self-thinking spring up. At work? Stressful situations? A negative friend or family member? Remind yourself that what God says is the truth. Remind yourself that His words about you prevail over anyone else.

  • Go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to convict your heart when you are putting down His masterpiece. Ask Him to remind you of who you are in Christ Jesus.

Start today.
Start transforming your mind.
Stop telling yourself you are “a hot mess”. My Dear Friend, You are God’s Very Best!


Hey Girl - Here’s a piece of advice for you . . . You are NOT a hot mess. Stop saying it. Stop buying T-Shirts and coffee mugs quoting it. Stop telling your friends and family that you are “just a hot mess”. You are speaking a lie over yourself. Gir…

With All My Heart,