The Latest at A Symphony of Praise

Life as Worship Erika Bain Life as Worship Erika Bain

Favorite Apps That Help To Live a Life of Worship.

These apps have been game-changers—helping us refocus, quiet the distractions, and create space for moments of Selah. You won’t find TikTok, Instagram, or mindless scrolling here—just a thoughtfully curated selection of tools designed to turn our devices into instruments of worship, helping us live A Symphony of Praise in the everyday.

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Life as Worship Steven Bain Life as Worship Steven Bain

Stepping Into Boldness.

Boldness has never come easily to me, but as the years roll on, God has continued calling me to refine my life's edges. So, as I step into 2025, there is a desire to address something that I have remained complacent about. 

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Life as Worship Erika Bain Life as Worship Erika Bain

You haven't been buried. You've been planted.

“Sometimes when you are in a dark place, you think you have been buried, but actually you have been planted.” (Christine Caine) Today, let’s shift our perspective from being buried to being planted and realize that our greatest test will produce the greatest testimony. How do you stay planted? I am giving you three ways to flourish.

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Life as Worship Erika Bain Life as Worship Erika Bain

Please stop calling yourself A HOT MESS!

Hey Girl - Here’s a piece of advice for you . . . You are NOT a hot mess. Stop saying it. Stop buying T-Shirts and coffee mugs quoting it. Stop telling your friends and family that you are “just a hot mess”. You are speaking a lie over yourself. Girl, you are NOT a hot mess, you are God’s Best! Join us for this quick, simple, and easy to understand devotion on Ephesians 2:10 as we study God’s Word, apply what we’ve learned to our lives, and live out His Word with joy!

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Life as Worship Erika Bain Life as Worship Erika Bain

Dealing with Grief: Three Steps to Manage the Pain.

Grief cannot be conquered, but it can be managed. There is no timeline when your grief will lift, and you will feel “normal” again. There is no such thing as feeling normal. I’m discovering that you just have to get used to living a “new normal.” Here is a list of three ways that I am managing my grief and sorrow during this time. Perhaps they will help you and give you some insight.

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