How to Choose ONE VERSE For Your New Year.

The New Year is here, and with it, the excitement of choosing our one word for the year. We’re energized and ready, journals and planners in hand, prepared to make this our best year yet. And, friend, I’m right there with you!

Each year, instead of traditional resolutions, I choose one word to guide me. This single word helps me focus my goals, shape my Bible study, and stay grounded throughout the year. Since I began this practice in 2015, I’ve seen God move powerfully in my life. Even in the toughest seasons, He’s used my word to remind me of His strength and faithfulness in every circumstance.

(You can find the full list of all of my words of the year HERE.)


When I began my one word practice, I also chose a verse to accompany it—a verse to meditate on, return to, and let sink deep into my heart all year long. I printed it out, made wallpapers for my computer and phone, and dug into commentaries to study its meaning.

Proverbs 7:1-3 captures the purpose of choosing one verse each year:

My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

This is why I choose one verse—so I can treasure God’s commandments and live by them, letting His teachings be written on the tablet of my heart.


1. Start with Prayer

Begin by praying that the Lord will place a specific verse on your heart, one that He wants you to focus on this year. This verse may not appear in an overly “spiritual” moment—it might come to you while doing dishes, watching TV, or sitting in church. Just be sure to pray and seek God’s guidance for the verse He wants to shape your year.

2. Start Anytime

If you’re reading this in July, begin today! If it’s November, start now. There’s nothing special about January when it comes to choosing your one verse. Choose your verse today and commit to it, whenever you feel called.

3. Start with One Word

If you’ve already chosen a one word for the year, begin there. Look up your word in a concordance, and explore the Scriptures that mention it. As you read, see if a particular verse resonates. If it speaks to your heart, write it down, pray over it, and read it a few times. If it settles in your spirit, you may have found your verse!

4. Start with a Brainstorm Session

Take a few minutes to jot down words, phrases, quotes, prayers, strengths, hopes—whatever comes to mind. After you’ve finished, look for common themes. Then, using the concordance, explore related Scriptures to see if a verse stands out. Pray over it, and let God guide you.

5. Start with a Verse, and Be Open to Change

While I choose a verse each year, I don’t see it as a “life verse” that defines my entire journey. Seasons and circumstances change, and sometimes, God shifts my focus mid-year. If He leads you in a new direction, embrace it and change your verse as He prompts.

6. Start with the Context

Understanding the context of your chosen verse is important. For example, many love Philippians 4:13: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” While powerful, its context deepens the meaning. Paul wrote this about God’s provision in the midst of difficult circumstances, not as a promise to accomplish whatever we want. Take time to understand your verse fully—it will only strengthen its impact on your year.

7. Start with a Clear Understanding

Remember, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). And Hebrews 4:12 reminds us, “The word of God is alive and active… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Your one verse serves as a focus for this season, but let it inspire you to dig into all of Scripture, trusting in its power to equip you fully for the path ahead.

8. Start with Reflection on Past Verses

Take a moment to revisit the verses you’ve chosen in previous years. Reflect on how God used them to shape and guide you. This reflection can provide insight into what He might be calling you toward in this new season. Sometimes the themes of past verses help reveal a deeper pattern in His work in your life.

9. Share Your Verse with a Trusted Friend or in the Comments

Sharing your verse with someone you trust can create accountability and encouragement. Ask a friend or family member to pray for you as you focus on your verse, and maybe even check in throughout the year to share what God is doing. This shared journey can be a source of support and insight.

Our Father is so gracious to us. His Word is truly our life manual, guiding us every step of the way. I’m so grateful that He is with us not only in the best of times but also as our guide through the hardest seasons. No matter what life may throw your way, His Word is alive and active, ready to work wonders in your life if you let it.

To help you on your journey to ONE WORD and ONE VERSE, download this Workbook. I guide you along every step of the way.

I would love to hear your ONE VERSE.
Share it with us in the comments below. 

Erika Bain

ERIKA BAIN is a writer, teacher, and musician living in Jacksonville, NC. When she’s not writing at A Symphony of Praise, she directs her non-profit community theater and sings, acts, and tells stories with her family.


The Hope Of Bethlehem.


How ONE WORD Replaced Every New Year Resolution.