Open My Eyes - A Fresh Way to Study God's Word


In 2017, we changed the name of our Scripture Writing plans from Open My Eyes to INSCRIBE THE WORD. You can find a full list of our Scripture Writing plans HERE.

Scripture Writing.

I have started a new type of Bible study (for me at least) that has completely changed how I read, and study the Word of God and I want to share it with you.

Hand copying Scripture is merely writing out word-for-word passages of Scripture by hand. This practice is helping me to change the way I read and study God's Word.

When was the last time you really read a passage from God’s Word? Not just skimmed through it or read it while your weekly shopping list was battling for brain space with The Word, but really read, understood , and comprehended The Word of God?

It is hard for me to just sit and read something. I have so many things going on in my life and I am pulled in so many different directions that to sit and “meditate on God’s Word” is very hard for me.  My thoughts always pull me in any other direction but The Word of God.

You may ask me. . . 'Why would anyone simply sit and write out God's Word? Just go buy a Bible and read it!' We are so blessed to have access to a Bible any time we want one. I have four or five printed Bibles, an app on my iPhone and iPad, I have three bible sites bookmarked on my computers and a plethora of Bible study books and tools.

The point for this type of joural is not to re-copy the Bible. My reasoning for starting this type of Bible Study is to take time to ABIDE in the Scriptures. I want to read and experience the Word in a new, powerful, and exciting way. I want to be closer to God and experience His presence more in my life. Like I said, I can't just sit and read without becoming distracted. But when I am focused on writing, that is a different story! Never mind, the practice is Scriptural . . .

In Deuteronomy 17, Moses lays out principles governing the Kings. It says in verses 18-20,

“Also it shall be, when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book, from the one before the priests, the Levites. And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes, that his heart may not be lifted above his brethren, that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left, and that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children in the midst of Israel.”

Writing out Scripture was a Biblical practice that carries numerous benefits:
- We will learn to fear the Lord.
– We will obey the Lord and all He desires.
– We will be more cautious not to become prideful.
– We will keep our eyes straight ahead to the vision God set for us not wavering to the right or left.

A Story . . .

The October 23,1995 issue of Christianity Today includes a story about Marek Kaminski. When he was 14, Marek, who was raised in communist Poland, lost his father in a car accident. During his grief over his loss, he found a Bible in his home and started reading it because he had heard that it was a fortune-telling book.

Marek, realizing the Bible was a very serious book and not a fortune-telling book, read the entire Bible over a three year period. He believed what he read in the Bible, became a Christian, and had a deep desire to learn more about the Bible. Marek began to write out entire books of the Bible as a way to slow down and fully study each word.

However, Marek, who was right-handed, realized the only way to really slow himself down was to copy with his left hand!

After reproducing the first four books of the Old Testament, Isaiah, Psalms, all four

Gospels, and Revelation, he realized that he had memorized God’s Word to the level that allowed him to know when people change even one word in a verse that they quoted! 

The article quotes Marek as saying, “To me, the Word of God is like music. You can listen to the same piece several times and get the melody of it. But to hear the whole sound of it, every instrument, each line, you have to listen several times and pay a lot of attention...the word of God is so beautiful, the more time you spend in it, the more you appreciate it.” -Bible Gateway

Bible Journal

I am starting a journey to hand-writing Scripture as part of my daily Bible Study and I hope you join me as well. The OPEN MY EYES study will come out each month and for now, will be a Topical Study. (This July is later because my blog hasn't been around all that long. LOL!) 

Each of the Scriptures should take no more than ten minutes a day to copy.  Why not join me in spending ten minutes each day listening to God’s voice as you copy these texts out of your Bible?

My Goal.

My prayer is that not only will I grow closer in my walk with The Lord but that I can help to create a community of people eager to read, write and see God's word with new eyes.

My prayer and the cornerstone of OPEN MY EYES is Psalm 119:18 “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.”

So here we go! Grab your pretty pens, your beautiful journal and let's talk about The Lord together. I hope that you will comment in the monthly thread as we start a community around writing the Scriptures and hearing God in a new and fresh way.

There is an amazing article on Bible Gateway. If you want to read more and get more insight into Scripture Copying, you can find that article here.

UPDATE: Open My Eyes Scripture Writing Plan is a part of our 2016 Scripture Writing Series. 

Inscribe the Word Scripture Writing Plan is a part of our 2017 Scripture Writing Series.

Feel free to print out this writing plan as you study God's Word. You can also CLICK HERE for a PDF copy.

Feel free to print out this writing plan as you study God's Word. You can also CLICK HERE for a PDF copy.

All My Love . . . Erika 💛