Inscribe the Word . . . January Scripture Writing Plan

Happy 2018, Dear Friends!

What if this was the year that everything changes?
What if this was the year prayers are answered?
What if this is the year you finally see miracles and wonders?

You are about to write the first page of your new novel. What will you write?

Some will write a long list of resolutions.
Some will write a mantra or mission statement.
Some will write out a list of to-dos.

But what if instead of going to everyone else for your 2018 answers and goals, what if you went to the word? What if 2018 is the year you start making a firm commitment to Inscribing the Word and learning what it looks like to live and breath the active word of God.

What if?

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We started INSCRIBE THE WORD (then called Open My Eyes) in July of 2016, and it has been revolutionary. Each month we join hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children all around the world to Inscribe the Word together. It is a powerful way to study the Bible, and I promise you . . . 


All of those "what if's" in your life will be answered when you commit to learning, talking, and reading about the One who is the Author of your life's book.

2018 could very well be your year for miracles, signs, and wonders. Won't you commit to finding those miracles, signs, and wonders in your life's manual, the Word of God? 

In January of 2017, we Inscribed NEW SEASONS.
This January of 2018, we are inscribing the book of 1 John.

Let us take a look at the book of 1 John so that we have a firm grasp on its origins before we start writing it out.

Author: The author of 1 John is the apostle John. The beloved disciple of Jesus and the author of the Gospel of John, 2 John, and 3 John. 

When and Where: 1 John was most likely written in Ephesus between A.D. 85 and 90. John was an older man at the time this book was written and had not yet been banished to the island of Patmos. 

Written To: 1 John was not written to any church in particular. Paul wrote most of his epistles (letters) to specific churches, but John did not. John had been with Jesus and wrote authoritatively because of his time with the Lord. He wrote 1 John from a pastoral point of view for a variety of Gentile congregations. He wrote to us; believers in Christ. 

Why: John wrote 1 John to reassure Christians in their faith. He is often called "the apostle of love," and you will find love mentioned throughout the letter. It was written to counter false teachings and to encourage Christians that they are serving a God of love, light, and life. 

The Blueprint: 
1. God is Light (1 John 1:1-2:27)
2. God is Love (1 John 2:28-4:21)
3. God is Life (1 John 5:1-1 John 5:21)

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My Dear Friends, I pray that as you inscribe 1 John with us this January of 2018, that you come to know Jesus and His saving power. I pray that you come to know your heavenly Father God and the reality of God in your life through your faith in Jesus Christ. My Friends, I hope you realize that in Jesus, you have eternal life in Christ Jesus and that you remain in fellowship with the God who LIGHTS your path, LOVES you with an everlasting love, and has given you LIFE abundantly. 

Join us this year and make a commitment to Inscribing the Word.  Join us with your families and Inscribe the Word together. Our children's plan is available for download below along with our adult plan. 

CLICK HERE to download your 2018 January Scripture Writing Plan.

CLICK HERE to download your 2018 January Scripture Writing Plan.

CLICK HERE to download your 2018 January Scripture Writing Plan FOR KIDS!

CLICK HERE to download your 2018 January Scripture Writing Plan FOR KIDS!

All My Love, Erika 💛