Inscribe the Word . . . July Scripture Writing Plan

Happy July, Friends!

This year, we are journeying through the Bible, discovering God's Promises. You can read our introductory post about why I chose this topic HERE. If you started with us in January, we have already inscribed over 180 of God’s Promises. This month, we are set to discover thirty-one more promises of God in Scripture.

Two of the verses we are inscribing this month come from Jeremiah 39.
Let’s take a look at these promises of God together.

Inscribe the Word is a simple and effective Scripture Writing Plan that takes you through God’s Word. This July, we are inscribing 31 of God’s Promises. We will be studying The Promises of God throughout Scripture and seeing how they connect to God’…


Jeremiah 39:17-18
”But I will rescue you on that day—this is the LORD’s declaration—and you will not be handed over to the men you dread. Indeed, I will certainly deliver you so that you do not fall by the sword. Because you have trusted in me, you will retain your life like the spoils of war. This is the LORD’s declaration.’”


Jeremiah is known as "The Weeping Prophet" because he prophesied during a treacherous time in Judah's history, which caused him great lament. Because of her great sin and idolatry, Judah was being handed over by God to the Babylonians. Exile was imminent.

If you read through the book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah doesn't seem to make any converts. No one listens to his calls for repentance. (Jeremiah 7) None of his fellow Judeans listen to God's warnings and pronouncement of judgment. In fact, outside of his scribe Baruch, Jeremiah stands alone in a sea of idolaters.

His message from the Lord was so unpopular that he was beaten, jailed, thrown into a cistern, and stoned by his fellow countrymen to the death. (note: Scripture does not tell us how Jeremiah died. According to the early church father Tertullian and other first-century, extrabiblical writings, Jeremiah was killed by stoning in Egypt from refuges from Judea. The same band of people referenced in Jeremiah 44.)

On one of his brushes with death, Jeremiah's enemies had him cast into an abandoned cistern to die, but he was rescued by an Ethiopian named Ebed-Melech. (Jeremiah 38) This month, we inscribe Jeremiah 39:17 and Jeremiah 39:18. In these passages, the Lord commends the courage of Ebed-Melech in standing up to the king and rescuing Jeremiah. Because he trusted in the Lord, there would be no retaliation against him even though Judah would soon be taken over and destroyed by Babylon.

I Will Rescue You.

Jeremiah 39:17
But I will rescue you on that day—this is the LORD’s declaration—
and you will not be handed over to the men you dread.

As good students of Scripture, we understand that the words of Jeremiah 39:16-18 are given by God to Ebed-Melech for the reasons in the previous section. They were not written to you or I in this time and place. But, we can take this promise of God to this one courageous man and learn a lesson from it.

Let's take a look at the words of Charles Spurgeon from his daily devotional, Faith's Checkbook.

“When the LORD's faithful ones are suffering for Him, they shall have sweet messages of love from Himself, and sometimes they shall have glad tidings for those who sympathize with them and help them.

Ebed-melech was only a despised Ethiopian, but he was kind to Jeremiah, and so the LORD sent him this special promise by the mouth of His prophet. Let us be ever mindful of God's persecuted servants, and He will reward us. Ebed-melech was to be delivered from the men whose vengeance he feared. He was a humble man, but Jehovah would take care of him. Thousands were slain by the Chaldeans, but [he] could not be hurt.

We, too, may be fearful of some great ones who are bitter against us; but if we have been faithful to the LORD's cause in the hour of persecution, He will be faithful to us. After all, what can a man do without the LORD's permission? He puts a bit into the mouth of rage and a bridle upon the head of power. Let us fear the LORD, and we shall have no one else to fear. No cup of cold water given to a despised prophet of God shall be without its reward; and if we stand up for Jesus, Jesus will stand up for us.”

Inscribe the Word is a simple and effective Scripture Writing Plan that takes you through God’s Word. This July, we are inscribing 31 of God’s Promises. We will be studying The Promises of God throughout Scripture and seeing how they connect to God’…

… Because you trusted in Me.

Jeremiah 39:18
I will protect you, and you will not die in the war.
Your life will be your reward because you trusted in Me. I, the Eternal One, declare this to you.

”Behold the protecting power of trust in God. The great men of Jerusalem fell by the sword, but poor Ebed-melech was secure, for his confidence was in Jehovah. Where else should a man trust but in his Maker? We are foolish when we prefer the creature to the Creator. Oh, that we could in all things live by faith, then should we be delivered in all time of danger! No one ever did trust in the LORD in vain, and no one ever shall.

The LORD saith, “I will surely deliver thee.” Mark the divine “surely.” Whatever else may be uncertain, God’s care of believers is sure. God Himself is the guardian of the gracious. Under His sacred wing there is safety even when every danger is abroad.

Can we accept this promise as sure?

Then in our present emergency we shall find that it stands fast. We hope to be delivered because we have friends, or because we are prudent, or because we can see hopeful signs; but none of these things are one-half so good as God’s simple “because thou hast put thy trust in me.”

Dear reader, try this way, and, trying it, you will keep to it all your life. It is as sweet as it is sure.” - Charles Spurgeon, Faith's Checkbook.

I pray this narrative of the man Ebed-Melech brought you some comfort today as we navigate our own "Babylon" in these troubled times. Stay faithful, Friends. Bless the Lord's prophets. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and He will preserve your life.



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