Inscribe the Word . . . January Scripture Writing Plan

Happy 2021, Dear Friends!

Welcome to the first notes of a brilliant Symphony!
Who is writing your Symphony of Praise this year?

Your entire life, your work, relationships, health, recreation, and spiritual life, are all part of God's Symphony. Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." What are the "good works"? It's your life. Your living, breathing, doing, going, thinking, eating, sleeping, playing, loving . . . your life is His workmanship, His poem, His Symphony.

Will you give Him the baton and let Him conduct your life this year? Jesus is The Chief Musician. He created you at the beginning of the world. Will you give up the reigns and let Him orchestrate your life? Your Symphony of Praise?

I hope you said yes because we are about to start living out HIS STORY for our lives through the pages of His Word. It's time to Inscribe the Word and begin a new study for a new year and a new chance to let your life sing His praise.

Inscribe the Word is a simple and effective Scripture Writing Plan that takes you through God’s Word. This January, we are starting The Promises of God. We will be studying The Promises of God throughout Scripture and seeing how they connect to God’…



This year, we are inscribing The Promises of God. I encourage you to read our introductory post on why I chose this theme for 2020. You can find it HERE.

I also created a four-part blog series giving a firm foundation for studying the Promises of God. As we Inscribe these promises in 2021, we have to be careful to be good students of Scripture. We want to read the promise in context, understanding the person to whom it was given and IF it applies to us today. Not only that, we don't want to view the Promises of God without viewing the Giver of the Promise. My prayer is that you see The Attributes of God woven through each of this year's promises.

I created a simple "Promises of God Ebook" that I encourage you to check out before you begin this study so that you have the proper foundation for which to Inscribe the Promises of God.

The 2021 Plan.

Each month's promises won't be characterized in a specific way or by one particular theme. They will instead be like markings of a treasure map. We will journey through the Scriptures each month to find them, study them, and see Jesus in them.

The free monthly plan will be released each month at A Symphony of Praise as always. But, our 2021 ITW Journal comes with the Scripture passages pre-printed inside. To purchase the digital download, CLICK HERE.


“Faith’s Checkbook.”

All of the Promises of God we will be inscribing in this series correspond to the daily devotions written by Charles Spurgeon in Faith's Checkbook. If you would like to include the daily devotional readings in your time Inscribing the Word, you can grab a copy of Spurgeon's devotional HERE.

As we begin this year, I would like to share some words from the preface of “Faith’s Checkbook”. May these words encourage us as we begin to Inscribe THE PROMISES OF GOD in 2021.

"A promise from God may very instructively be compared to a check payable to order. It is given to the believer with the view of bestowing upon him some good thing. It is not meant that he should read it over comfortably and then have done with it. No, he is to treat the promise as a reality, as a man treats a check.

He is to take the promise, and endorse it with his own name by personally receiving it as true. He is by faith to accept it as his own. He sets to his seal that God is true, and true as to this particular word of promise. He goes further, and believes that he has the blessing in having the sure promise of it and therefore he puts his name to it to testify to the receipt of the blessing.

This done, he must believingly present the promise to the Lord, as a man presents a check at the counter of the Bank. He must plead it by prayer, expecting to have it fulfilled. If he has come to Heaven's bank at the right date, he will receive the promised amount at once. If the date should happen to be further on, he must patiently wait till its arrival; but meanwhile he may count the promise as money, for the Bank is sure to pay when the due time arrives.

Some fail to place the endorsement of faith upon the check, and so they get nothing; and others are slack in presenting it, and these also receive nothing. This is not the fault of the promise, but of those who do not act with it in a common-sense, business-like manner.

God has given no pledge which He will not redeem, and encouraged no hope which He will not fulfil." - Charles Spurgeon.

Inscribe the Word is a simple and effective Scripture Writing Plan that takes you through God’s Word. This January, we are starting The Promises of God. We will be studying The Promises of God throughout Scripture and seeing how they connect to God’…

As we move forward in Part One, I pray that these promises will go down deep into your spirit and that you would not just take the promise, write the verse, and run to the busyness of life. My prayer is that these tastes from God’s Word would make you hunger for the entire banquet He has set before us.

All My Love, Erika 💛 

The entire, Promises of God Foundational Series,
in one ebook. Download yours today.


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with your family and friends!