Inscribe the Word KIDS! . . . January Scripture Writing Plan.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I am so excited to share with you the first KIDS Scripture Writing Plan for 2017!

The INSCRIBE THE WORD Scripture Writing plan has been such a wonderful way for my son and I to study God’s Word together. Scripture Writing is the simple study of hand copying Scripture word for word into a notebook or journal. You can read more about the study method here.

When I simply read the Scriptures, my mind wanders. I begin thinking about my daily chores or a myriad of other things.  With Scripture writing, I am so focused on each word that I am writing. I am focused on keeping my journal neat and artistic as I journal God's Word. It gives me uninterrupted Bible Study where The Lord can speak to my heart.

Bible Study Scripture Writing for KIDS

This year I changed the name of our Kids Scripture writing plans to INSCRIBE THE WORD Kids!.  The vision behind the name change can be found in Proverbs 3:1-3:

“My child, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands; For length of days and long life And peace they will add to you. Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart." Proverbs 3:1-3

I don't know about you, but I would love to have long days, long life, and peace to follow me and I would love for those things to follow my child.  I want to teach my son to write the Scriptures this year on the tablet of his heart. I want him to learn to bind them around my neck so as never to forget them.

What do you need?

We use INSCRIBE THE WORD as part of our homeschool curriculum. Scripture Writing has beena great practice not only for memorizing the Word, learning the Bible, and hearing God's heart, but also for handwriting practice for your younger kiddos!

We use INSCRIBE THE WORD as part of our homeschool curriculum. Scripture Writing has beena great practice not only for memorizing the Word, learning the Bible, and hearing God's heart, but also for handwriting practice for your younger kiddos!

If this is your child's first time Scripture Writing, you don't need much to get you started. My son uses his Bible (you can find our favorite Bible here,) a composition notebook, crayons, colored pencils, and markers. That's all!

Of course, you can add stickers, artistic designs, pretty colors, whatever makes you happy. As long as you are Inscribing the Word on your heart as well as your journal.

Why "Inscribe"?

The word INSCRIBE means, "write or carve (words or symbols) on something, especially as a formal or permanent record.”

This year, let us not just teach our kiddos to write the words in their notebooks to put on the shelf. I pray that we don't make this Bible Study just a ritual or burdensome "to-do". I want to CARVE THE WORD on my heart, and I want my son to carve the Word on his. I want it to permanently change who we are as individuals and as a family. I want it to be a permanent reminder of who God is, and what He has done for us

My friends, God has been so gracious to bless our families with a new year, a new life, and a new season. Let us honor Him this year by making a firm commitment to spending time each day with Him. Let us honor Him by giving our children the gift of time with their Father.

Happy New Year, my friends. Let's choose to make this an amazing year for the glory of God!

To Download your January KIDS plan, CLICK HERE.

To Download your January KIDS plan, CLICK HERE.

Use #InscribeTheWord on Social Media to share your writing, journaling, and join the community!

Be on the lookout each month as we will add the kids' plan in with the adult post. Both will be on the same post available to download!