Inscribe the Word . . . June Scripture Writing Plan.

This June, we begin Part Six in our Attributes of God Series. This year, Inscribe the Word is taking a twelve-part journey through the Attributes of God and we are excited for you to join us. If you have just joined us know that you do not have to study these attributes in order. Jump in at any time. You will be blessed!

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You can read more about Scripture Writing and this unique way to study God's Word daily at this link.

Last month, we studied The Grace of God. As we went through the New Testament epistles, one thing continued to jump out at me, Grace and Peace were often used together as a greeting in these letters. Ephesians 1:2, for example, says, "Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Grace and Peace.

As I studied this, I saw that Paul was not only creating unity in the body of Christ through his salutation. Grace was the standard greeting among Greek audiences, and Peace was the standard greeting among Hebrew audiences. But Paul was sharing a deeper revelation in his greetings to the churches.

God's marvelous grace brings many benefits to those who receive it and walk in that grace. One of those benefits is peace. Notice, as Paul writes to the churches, GRACE is first then PEACE. Peace flows from grace, My Friends.

And so, My Friends, the Attribute of God we are studying this month is PEACE.

Inscribe the Word is a simple and effective Scripture Writing Plan that takes you through God’s Word. This June, we are starting Part Six of The Attributes of God Series. We will be studying THE GOD of PEACE. God’s character is who He is and to know…

What is PEACE?

Inscribe the Word is a simple and effective Scripture Writing Plan that takes you through God’s Word. This June, we are starting Part Six of The Attributes of God Series. We will be studying THE GOD of PEACE. God’s character is who He is and to know…

The Greek word for peace is eirhnh. It comes from eirw which means “to join.” It means a state of untroubled tranquillity, a state without war or dividing factions or enmity. It refers to a state of harmony and well being. Peace is tranquility or quietness of spirit that transcends circumstances. The term peace is described in Scripture as a gift from God and in harmony with His character.

If God is peace, then to know God is to bask in His peace. The closer we draw to Him, the more of His peace we can enjoy. (James 4:8)

Peace is a communicable Attribute of God which means that it is an attribute that God shares or communicates with us. We can not only experience the Peace of God in our lives, but we can share that peace with others and be a walking example of God’s peace.

About the peace of God, A.W. Tozer said,

The "God of peace".

We regard this divine title as expressing first of all what God is in Himself, that is, as abstracted from relationship with His creatures and apart from His operations and bestowments.

He is Himself the Fountain of peace.

Perfect tranquility reigns in His whole Being. He is never ruffled in the smallest measure, never perturbed by anything, either within or without Himself. How could He be? Nothing can possibly take Him by surprise, for "known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world" (Acts 15:18).

Nothing can ever disappoint Him, for "of him, and through him, and to him, are all things" (Rom. 11:36). Nothing can to the slightest degree disturb His perfect mental calmness and composure, for He is "the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning" (James 1:17).

Consequently perfect security ever fills Him: that is one component element of His essential glory. Ineffable peace is one of the jewels in the diadem of Deity.

- A.W. Tozer “Gleanings from Paul”


As we have been writing through The Attributes of God this year, I have been starting each plan at the beginning of the Old Testament and writing through to the end of the New Testament. This month, I am switching up the order slightly.

  • I start this month's plan in Judges and Isaiah. Judges 6 is the only time in Scripture we see God named "Jehovah Shalom," and Isaiah 9:6 is where we see Jesus titled "The Prince of Peace." I started here because I want you to understand that any peace poured out into your life is a result of God's character of peace. He is peace just as He is grace. Peace is not just a feeling God puts on every once in a while. It is literally who God is.

  • I included a passage in Matthew 10:34-37, where Jesus says He didn't come to bring peace. This passage may be confusing, seeing as He is titled "The Prince of Peace." To answer some of the questions that may arise as you inscribe this passage, I would refer you to THIS ARTICLE for clarification and Scripture references. The Bible is not contradicting itself. We are simply not seeing Jesus' statements in context. 

  • Finally, I end the month with a passage from the Book of Luke. As we finish this month's study, my prayer is that you GO IN PEACE and that the peace of God permeates through your being as you embrace His grace on your life.


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