Inscribe the Word * August Scripture Writing Plan


The name that shaped our history.
The name that shook the world.
The name that set us FREE!

The power in that name has healed the sick, cast out demons, and commanded storms! It is a power that is heaven sent in nature and unable to be defined by mere mortal men. It is the power of the Living God.

Through our Inscribe the Word plans, we desire to give you a simple, yet powerful, way to study God's word. We spent the beginning of this year inscribing the Epistles. Through them, we learned to recognize and watch out for false teachings. 

Last month we took a look at The Sermon on the Mount and came to an understanding of one of the most celebrated moments of Jesus' teachings. This moment of emphasis on moral living is the longest teaching of Jesus in the New Testament. Opening with the Beatitudes, The Sermon on the Mount shows to us all the way we must structure our lives to receive all that God has for us. It is a fulfilling moment in Scripture that should be returned to time and time again.

And now that we see the majesty in the words of Jesus, we are going into August with a look at the power of our Lord and Savior.

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This month for our scripture writing plan, we are inscribing the Miracles of Jesus. 

A defining part of His story, and a proclamation to the people who witnessed them that He was the Son of God, the Miracles of Christ number plentifully throughout the Scriptures. Their impact is felt throughout time, and their majesty confounds to this day. Not only do these miracles show that God loves His children but will reward those who have the faith to follow.

It would be impossible to record all of the miracles within the Bible in just one month of Inscribe the Word. Therefore, in Part 1, we will study some of the miracles that Jesus performed in the New Testament. 

Each one of these miracles has been recorded for our study to show the power of God. They affirm the authority of Christ and also call on us to understand some of the deeper fundamental issues of God and His kingdom. Each miracle that Christ performs is not just miraculous in nature but also imparts a lesson to both the witnesses and the reader. A lesson that is meant to demonstrate God’s will and to further His work in this world.

As we begin our next month of Inscribe the Word, I pray that we find the lessons in each of these miracles. I pray that we glean what is meant to be gleaned from these moments in Scripture and that in doing so we find ourselves in a closer relationship with the almighty God.

I look forward to doing these passages with you all as we begin our study on Part One of the Miracles of Jesus. And I am excited to introduce a more masculine designed plan for my fellow brothers in the Lord!
In His Service,

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Which of Jesus' miracles resonates most with you? Let us know in the comments below!