Inscribe the Word . . . The Goodness of God.
Inscribe the Word is taking a twelve-part journey through the Attributes of God, and we are excited for you to join us. This August, we begin Part Eight in our Attributes of God Series. If you have just joined us, know that you do not have to study these attributes in order. Jump in at any time. You will be blessed!
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Have you ever thought about the word "good"? We say it so often, and I don't know if we truly understand what it means.
How are you?
How was your day?
How are you feeling?
How was dinner?
How's the weather by you?
The dictionary defines the word "good" as:
morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious
satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree
of high quality
kind, beneficent, or friendly
honorable or worthy
genuine; not counterfeit
sound or valid
in excellent condition
not spoiled or tainted
cheerful; optimistic; amiable:
free of distress or pain
agreeable; pleasant
sufficient or ample
competent or skillful
skillfully or expertly done
Look at those definitions. I don't know anyone that could describe the day, meal, feelings, work, or weather by ALL of those definitions. Sometimes we are favorable, but we aren't always loyal. Somedays, we are cheerful, but we aren't sufficient for everyone's needs. Othertimes we are honorable, and still, we can cause pain to others. Hard as we try, in our own strength, we cannot be "good."
But there is ONE person who fits every single one of those definitions and more.
This month, we come to Part Eight in our Attributes of God Series as we study THE GOODNESS OF GOD.
What does it mean that God is GOOD?
The biblical words translated 'good' contained a range of meanings, such as pleasant, beneficial, fitting, beautiful, and honorable. The added meaning that the words acquire in the Bible is primarily because of their association with God. The goodness that the Bible teaches is the goodness that exists perfectly in God. This goodness was demonstrated in the life and ministry of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit wants to reproduce it in the lives of Christians. Goodness is a communicable attribute that God shares with us and longs to see produced in our lives. (Bridgeway Bible Dictionary)
Puritan Clergyman Thomas Manton preached a sermon on the Goodness of God in which he said,
"He is primitively, and originally good' good of himself, which nothing else is. For all creatures are good only by participation and communication from God. He is essentially good; not only good but goodness itself. The creature's good is a superadded quality; in Him, it is his essence.
He is infinitely good; the creature's goodness is but a drop, but in God, there is an infinite ocean and sea, or gathering together of goodness. He cannot be better; He is the chiefest good. Other things are good in subordination to Him. He is not good as the means but as the end. God is absolutely good.
Beyond God, there is nothing to be sought or aimed at; if we enjoy Him, we enjoy all good to make us completely happy. He is eternally and immutably good, for He cannot be less good than He is, as there can be no addition made to Him, so no subtraction taken from Him." (Thomas Manton: Works of Thomas Manton, D.D. Vol. VII)
To say that GOD IS GOOD is to say that He is perfect.
He is:
morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious
satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree
of high quality
kind, beneficent, or friendly
honorable or worthy
genuine; not counterfeit
sound or valid
in excellent condition
not spoiled or tainted
cheerful; optimistic; amiable:
free of distress or pain
agreeable; pleasant
sufficient or ample
competent or skillful
skillfully or expertly done
beautiful and altogether lovely
God shows His goodness to His children. The goodness of God is the drive behind all the blessings He daily bestows on us. God created us because He felt good in His heart, and He redeemed us for the very same reasons. (Tozer)
He shows His goodness is creation. He could have created one fruit for us to eat; instead, we have a plethora of flavors available. The rose could have been the only flower, but God created the lily, the bird of paradise, and the wildflowers for our good pleasure. He could have only created oceans, but mountains break the landscape. Music, art, beauty, creation sing of His glory and God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:31)
God showed His goodness when He sent His only begotten Son; Jesus. "Made of woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as children of God." (Gal. 4:4-5) At His birth, the angels proclaimed, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, GOODWILL toward men." (Luke 2:14) In sending Jesus, God was sending good to us all.
Ah, the age-old question.
We are living in a time like none of us has seen before. The world seems to be imploding, and difficulties lie around us. All of us are going through difficult circumstances, situations, and seasons and you may even wonder if God is really as good as the Bible says He is. If there was ever a time to question God's goodness, 2020 is it!
I think we often (wrongly) equate God's goodness with the good of our circumstances. "Life is great, and God is good!" or "Life is falling apart, and why is God punishing me?"
Friend, our circumstances, and the state of the world ARE NOT an accurate reflection on God's goodness! Unfortunately, we have come to believe that the state of the world/our lives is the extent to which God is showing His goodness. Oh, Friend, this is so far from the truth. Our God is good AT ALL TIMES because goodness is who He is, and He cannot be anything other than good.
Jesus said that in this world, we would have tribulation. That's a promise. God's goodness, however, is revealed in the next thing He says, "BUT, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
Friends, I have to tell you, He is still good. The words of Psalm 27:13-14 have rung out clear in my mind through the sadness/horror/anger/fear/worry/upset/disappointment/grief/insert your own word . . . of this past year . . .
"I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD." - Psalm 27:13-14
This verse says it all friends. I have seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. It may be small things, but He is still good, and He is always showing His goodness if we are willing to look for it.
As we open up this month's study into The Goodness of God, I encourage you to wait for the Lord. Wait for His Goodness, and while you are waiting, BE STRONG and take courage.